Sound Unit Activity Plans

Title of Unit Sound around Us

Grade Level 2-3

By Dr. R. D. Sweetland

Process Concept

Supporting Information



Sounds can be classified (outside/inside, loud/soft, high/low).


Sound is produced by objects.

Each object has a unique sound.

We can hear a variety of sounds.

The human ear may not be sensitive enough to discriminate between unique sounds of different objects.

Sound words (hum, buzz, rrr, bang, tweet, thump)

Most objects sound the same.


Student suggestions of categories.


Placement of their drawings on the chart (inside/outside...).


Students identify additional sounds that can be heard at other times, classify them, and explain their rationale for their decisions. Teacher may make suggestions.

Knowledge Concept

Supporting Information



Sounds of specific objects motors, wind, ...

Objects can be identified by their sounds.

Sounds such as those made with metal, plastic, paper



Students’ suggestions.





Activity Objective

Guiding question How can we identify the sounds we hear?

Objective Students will listen to sounds inside and outside, draw a picture of a sound source(s), classify it as an inside or outside sound by placing it on a chart, explain their reasoning to the class, and agree or disagree with other students’ contributions.

Purpose / Rationale The skill of discriminating sound is an important one for children to know. It is part of their everyday life. They need to to identify sounds for safety reasons, such as emergency vehicle sirens weather-related sirens, sounds made in nature (rattlesnakes, thunder...)

Materials Country Noisy Book Margret Wise Brown, one piece of drawing paper, crayons, chart or board.

Exploration Procedure

Read Country Noisy Book. Tell students they are studying sound for the next several weeks, remind of brainstorm session.

Discuss book and ask what sounds they might hear inside the school and outside the school?

Explain how to sound walk.

Appoint a leader and remind that no one passes the leader and they are to stay together and listen.

Have students line up at the door.

Go to ...

Listen for 5 minutes.

Return to the classroom.

What types of sounds did you hear.

Record on chalkboard.

Listen to inside sounds for 5 minutes.

Record on chalkboard.

Tell students to illustrate a sound.

Distribute paper, pencil, crayons...

Invention Procedure

Clear away materials.

Students bring pictures to front and put pictures onto the board.

Ask students how to put sounds into categories.

Discuss categories and decide possibilities (loud/soft, inside/outside, high/low).

If students use multiple categories mark them appropriately. May want to use a Venn diagram to classify the sounds.

Ask "What are some other sounds you might hear at the place you were at different times of the day. Or at different times of the year? What are some sounds we might have been able to hear inside if it would have been ... time of the day?

Add these to the chart or diagram.

What do you think caused each of these sounds?

Write what caused each sound by the sound on the chart.

Record and save.

Discovery Activity

Objects will be dropped so a student can’t see the object, the student will identify the object by the sound made, and discuss how they did.

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©